Oman announced on Sunday the lifting of all measures that had been taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The latest decision is applicable in all venues and for all activities, state TV reported, citing a statement from the government committee dealing with the pandemic.
According to the Oman News Agency, the Supreme Committee on COVID-19 has called on people to continue to adhere to the preventive health measures and to stay at home if they develop a fever or respiratory symptoms, and to also wear a mask in case of contact with a patient.
"The Committee urges everyone, especially the elderly, people with chronic diseases and those with immunodeficiency, to adhere to wearing a mask in closed places and for citizens and residents to receive the booster dose of the vaccine," the committee said on Twitter.
There have been 389,943 infections and 4,260 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the Sultanate since the pandemic began, according to Reuters data.
— وكالة الأنباء العمانية (@OmanNewsAgency) May 22, 2022
The Supreme Committee on Covid-19 in Oman has lifted all precautionary measures at all places and outlets.
اللجنة العليا تحث الجميع، وبالأخص كبار السن والمصابين بالأمراض المزمنة ومـن لـديهم نقص المناعة، على الالتزام بارتداء الكمامة في الأماكن المغلقة وأهمية تلقي المواطنين والمقيمين الجرعة المعززة من اللقاح.
— وكالة الأنباء العمانية (@OmanNewsAgency) May 22, 2022