Staff and students in Dubai private schools will no longer need to isolate even if they are considered "close contacts" of a positive COVID-19 case.
The notification has been sent by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) to all private schools in the Emirate.
Only those who show COVID symptoms must isolate and will be allowed to return to their classroom if they are symptom-free and have a negative PCR test.
Students will also not be required to wear facemasks when they are outdoors within the campus, the education authority said, adding that it's in line with the recent easing of COVID measures by the UAE government.
Adults and children older than six years of age will be required to wear facemasks inside the classrooms.
The KHDA added that children or staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 10 days.
All schools have also been advised to continue with the contact tracing protocol and regular disinfection of the campus
Meanwhile, the education board recommended that physical distancing rules continue to be in place.