An Emirati social worker has been honoured with the Prime Minister’s medal for spreading positive energy and happiness among school students.
Sheikha Al Nuaimi and her mother were given the medal during the Cabinet meeting, by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
Al Nuaimi became a social media sensation recently after Sheikh Mohammed shared a heart-warming footage of her greeting pupils at her school in Al Ain with a kiss and a hug.
He had also called on his Twitter followers to help find the woman.
تكريم صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم لـ شيخة النعيمي تضمن منحها ووالدتها وسام رئيس مجلس الوزراء، كما أمر سموه بترقيتها استثنائياً وبشكل فوري وقدم سموه شكراً خاصاً لها خلال جلسة مجلس الوزراء. pic.twitter.com/Fg3JgoE5JU
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) February 2, 2020
"Sheikha Al Nuaimi is a positive example, and we have many models in our country who inspire others with their energy and accomplishments. A positive and proactive employee is the one who exceeds the limits of their job to make others happy," said Sheikh Mohammed.
He also highlighted the importance of spreading the culture of affirmative action among government employees and transferring the culture of happiness to customers, as well as making it a daily practice around the country.
Al Nuaimi holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from UAE University and has worked as a social worker since 2001 in Al Ain.
Praising His Highness for honouring her, Al Nuaimi said, "We have learnt from our country’s leadership to always be at the forefront. We, as the country’s children, reflect the spirit and values that we were brought up with."
أثلجت شيخة النعيمي صدورنا جميعا ... بإيجابيتها ... وطاقتها .. وحنانها .. وتعاملها مع أبناء الوطن كأنهم أبناءها وأطفالها .. هي مثال وقدوة ليس فقط لمدارسنا بل حتى لمؤسساتنا الحكومية ... قدمنا لها وسام رئيس الوزراء وترقية استثنائية فورية وشكر خاص ضمن جلسة مجلس الوزراء... pic.twitter.com/apHN8Rwyf6
— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) February 2, 2020