It is a story that Robert Fisk has been reporting for over thirty years. Robert Fisk's remarkable history is also the tale of a journalist at war
ബുക്ക് റിവ്യൂ
ദ് ഗ്രേറ്റ് വാർ ഫോർ സിവിലൈസേഷൻ- റോബർട്ട് ഫിസ്ക്
It is a story that Robert Fisk has been reporting for over thirty years.
Robert Fisk's remarkable history is also the tale of a journalist at war - learning of the 9/11 attacks while aboard a passenger jet, reporting from a bombed-out Baghdad, interviewing Osama bin Laden - and of the courage and frustration of a life spent writing the first draft of history.