Musical thriller "Emilia Perez" and post-World War Two epic "The Brutalist" topped the roster of films nominated on Monday for the 2025 Golden Globes, the Hollywood honours that kick off the movie awards season leading to the Oscars.
Guns N’ Roses have announced they will return to Abu Dhabi as part of a massive 2025 European and Middle East Tour, headlining stadiums and festivals throughout the summer.
Netflix's most popular show ever, "Squid Game" a dystopian South Korean vision of divided society, premieres its highly-anticipated second season on Monday as Seoul battles real-life policial chaos.
Taylor Swift took the stage in Vancouver on Sunday for the final show of her record-shattering "Eras" tour, a cultural phenomenon that has easily become the highest-grossing musical tour in history.
An amended lawsuit filed in federal court on Sunday has alleged that rap mogul Jay-Z assaulted a 13-year-old girl along with Sean "Diddy" Combs during a party in 2000.